Committed with our communities

As a global company, Auxadi is dedicated to having a transparent, ethical and sustainable approach when conducting business. We recognise the importance of building relationships with the clients, employees, vendors, regulators and the wider communities we work with. We’re also committed to managing our business impact on the environment, minimising our global footprint. Our aim is to continue monitoring and improving our environmental, social and governance policies as we believe this is crucial to the long-term success of our business.

And, when it comes to sustainability, we align with the UN Global Compact and their ten principles.



We’re committed to helping our communities and building a better world. We’re dedicated to following the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and collaborate with different foundations and organizations that complement our mission of making life easier for our clients , by contributing to improving the communities and environment around us.

We promote initiatives and projects that address social needs. We also collaborate with different foundations, always respecting our anti-corruption policy.

We actively support not-for-profit foundations and institutions, and each year we organise a charity football tournament in Madrid.

We’re always looking for additional charity initiatives that fit with our values ​​and activities, as well as projects our teams participate in or bring to our attention.

Below are some of the organisations we’ve supported in the past.

If you’d like your organisation to be considered for support, please get in touch.

Fundación Síndrome de West

Fundación Síndrome de West is named for the rare disease (West Syndrome) that affects babies less than one year old. Affected children suffer catastrophic epileptic encephalopathy (where relentless epileptic activity leads to progressive brain dysfunction). The Foundation works to support both the children and their families affected by West Syndrome by offering a meeting point, information, support and specialised services, and promotes research in the different fields of paediatric neurology.

Josep Carreras Foundation

The Josep Carreras Foundation is working towards leukaemia becoming a 100% curable disease, driving all kinds of projects for the benefit of patients and science. The foundation encourages research in onco-haematology, streamlines the application of new treatments, improves care and patient survival rates, contributes to the training of new researchers, and establishes synergies with other national and international research groups.

Créate Foundation

Créate Foundation is a non-profit organisation that believes in the ability of every child to awake and discover their talent through creative and entrepreneurial activities at school. It also empowers the teacher as a guide through the learning process. This foundation organizes Drawing Ed, the biggest event of educational innovation in Spain, which Auxadi sponsors. At this event, more than 800 students aged between 10 – 16 years present projects which they have been working on to develop real solutions to challenges in their environment.

Ramón Menéndez Pidal Foundation

Ramón Menéndez Pidal Foundation is a private, non-profit institution, which aims to continue the work undertaken by Don Ramón Menéndez Pidal in the field of History of the Spanish language and culture. The foundation’s main objective is the development of historical and philological studies and humanistic research in the social sciences, as well as contributing to the training of specialists and collaborating with universities and research institutes in Spain and abroad.

Javier Oriol Miranda Foundation

The Javier Oriol Miranda Foundation’s mission is to continue and enhance all projects and initiatives in the field of social action and development cooperation that Mr. Oriol had not completed before his death, and support those which he would have initiated and developed in the future.

Professor Uría Foundation

The Professor Uría Foundation operates as an independent institution in memory of Professor Rodrigo Uría González, to encourage and carry out works for the benefit of the most vulnerable groups of society. Their mission? Justice, solidarity, tolerance, human rights and democratic values. The foundation operates in four main areas: legal pro bono (lawyers providing free advice to non-profit organisations), education, social action and promotion of culture.

Scholas Foundation

The Scholas Foundation is present in 190 countries through a network that includes more than 430,000 schools and educational networks in the 5 continents. Its mission is to achieve integration of communities, focusing on those with fewer resources, through the commitment of all stakeholders; integrating schools and educational networks worldwide with technological, sporting and artistic endeavours.

Unión Adarve

Auxadi proudly sponsors Unión Adarve, a soccer team based in Madrid which promotes grassroots football through their c. 30 fully-inclusive youth teams. This partnership reflects Auxadi’s commitment to the societies in which we operate. For us, sport is an element of union and development, and we are happy to help a group which displays such an excellent example of our philosophy.

If you believe that your project fits with our philosophy, please do get in touch! Fill out the following form and we’ll revert as soon as possible
